Since 2004, Solaira has been one of North America's leading manufacturers of radiant heating automation and control solutions.
We specialize in electric radiant infrared heaters and commercial controls that utilize the latest technologies for demanding commercial, industrial, and residential heating needs.

Solaira, ICR Series, H3, Water Grill Restaurant, San Jose, CA
Radiant heater automation and control
Solaira infrared technology converts roughly 85% of the available energy into directional infrared heat, utilized in zone heating applications. Utilized in warehouses, commercial hospitality dining rooms and patios, military check points, border crossings areas, and residential applications. Solaira heaters can improve heating conditions with industry leading short-wave technology for desirable spot heating zones or creating the right ambient temperature. Combined with Solaira commercial control options, building management integration, and ASHRAE BACnet connections will help decrease energy consumption and costs while creating a comfortable climate.

Solaira, ICR Series, H1, Concord Canada House, Toronto, ON

Solaira, ICR Series, H2, Nobu Rooftop, Chicago, IL
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